Very often we are all confronted with the word karma and we wonder why this word is so influential in many lives. Many questions originate in our minds when we hear this word like, after all what is karma? Where is it originating from? Who keeps a track record of this karma? and is it some hidden file that no one can see to rectify? All these and many more…
We generally associate it with punishment for bad actions which includes our previous lives. Who knows what we did in our past lives and that is what makes this word even more dreadful. Whatever happens good or bad the expression is “it’s all the fruits of your karmas…!” Now good is all good but what do I do about the bad that happened by my hands, I don’t even know in what life time. Believe me you are not alone to obsess over this question when things go bad in our lives.
Now lets try to understand the theory of karma one thing at a time and remember if you have any questions then do send me that so that we can help each other learn.
What is Karma?
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means "action or duty."
Karma is neither the judge nor jury, it is simply the universal law of cause and effect . All it implies is that think before you leap in action verbal, physical or mental. Remember even the smallest thought, word and act carries energy into the world and affects our present reality. Karma can be summed as the workbook that we need to complete in this school of life where there is no graduation (enlightenment) till we score a 100%, there is birth after birth and the lessons that carry forward with every birth.
Why is karma important?
Karma is important because there is no going without it. Simply put, as money is important for human survival karma is the survival tool needed for our soul. It is the karmas that give us the base of our existence and changes our thought process which leads us to live. If our deeds are bad then of course our karmas will be bad and if they are both going down then sooner or later we will go down as well. It differentiates the right from wrong, just from unjust and truth from lies. We all know the right thing but the sad part is that many of us don’t accept it. We all know killing of innocent or anything that has a right to live is the biggest sin we can do but we still can’t stop the ones who do mass killings or commit murders or kill innocent animals for selfish reasons. I think we all know it but many believe in challenging it. Imagine if there were no karma then there would be no record of what and how much each of us has to pay. Everyone would do what they wish without any consideration.
Who keeps the track of our karmas?
The track is maintained by God himself- the Universal Force who runs this universe looks after the Universal Law. It does not matter the name we know this power by, what is important is that we acknowledge its being and existence.
Why is this that we can’t amend what we did even if we are so much better now?
Karma book balance is like the pass book of the bank balance we maintain. We have an account where we deposit and withdraw. Sometimes we go in overdraft and sometimes we have saving. Every transaction is recorded with time and day. Once it is done it can’t be changed and the balance is affected. The transactions can be made any number of times but once made the record stays.
Say for example, you had $100 in our savings and you withdrew $10, no problems you had it so you withdrew it but, remember now you have a $10 withdrawal entry marked in your pass book and the balance printed is $90. The next day you come back and deposit $500. This will definitely make you a new entry of a deposit and the new balance would be $590. The fact that remains is that you can’t with what ever you do delete the $10 withdrawal. You put more and more still the entry of $10 stays. Even if you deposited the same $10 immediately after the withdrawal still your pass book would show a withdrawal of $10 and then a deposit of $10. You have balance of $100 again but, still you can’t delete the entry of your pass book or bank records. If you say that not updating your pass book would eliminate it then you are wrong because the bank records has a the date and the transaction recorded. You can take it positively as reminder of why you had to withdraw and teach yourself control for future or accept it as an important expense that you paid for. Now if you are responsible you would make sure that you put more and try not withdrawing once you deposited.
So see we can get better through learning and that can help us forgive a hasty withdrawal but we can’t change the fact that it happened. $10 can pinch a true saver who feels that it could have been avoided but it may not worry another person who believes that he had do what he had to do.
When we deposit more and more of good selfless, honest and truthful actions everyday God knows our intentions and that is the reason that many good people get out of situations that seem unreal to survive. God know who the saver is and who does not care. He can’t pitch for us but because of our good ethic and beliefs he can grant us an overdraft or credit when needed. We may be carrying a huge negative balance with us from past but if we are committed now He will hold our hand and help us through.
That means God forgives some people?
God never punishes anyone so forgiveness is always there, but, when we talk about karmas we have to understand that there was another party (any time) that took a hit when you took an advantage through any kind of play that was not intended (bad karma). For example, you may have spoken a small lie that saved you but remember it took someone that you did not even know down or in suspicion. So how can God be unkind or be partial to his other child. This is the reason that we have to pay sometimes small and sometimes big.
Lets look at it as an example from Real Financial life aspect:
Like in real life when a financial problem strikes it is our credit rating that defines our credibility to get credit similarly in the spiritual world it is our dedication and honesty that helps us get us that credit for our bad karmas. Even if in real life we did get the entire credit we needed to pay off a debt we still have to pay interest for borrowing similarly in the spiritual world when we face a situation in life God intervenes looking at our track record and we pay a small interest to offset the karam. It could be an agony,some pain,seperation or soltitude (which may be put as interest), but the important thing is that you are very lucky that you only had to pay a small fraction of what you were supposed to. The pain that we suffer is fully controlled by Him, so that you suffer just a little bit. What we call suffering is actually a learning that is important so that we never do the same thing again. You may not personally remember the time and day for what you paid but your subconscious where your soul resides does. This is the reason that we humbly accept many times when things happen with tears in our eyes. God is very kind all he wants is His children to learn and return home. He misses us but He has to send us to school to this life and many more till we graduate.
Do karmas define learning (punishments) through long term ailments like Alzheimer's or cancer?
Many people think that diseases or ailments are punishments but again it is your prospective. People who feel that they are punishments should ask themselves as to why they were punished. A common answer to that is that “we are good humans how do we know what bad we did in our past lives for which we are paying.” I agree but, I would ask them that accepted we can’t remember anything from past but what happened this time. Why did you not work hard to help others or make a difference so that you could have gotten a credit from God? If they did lead the best of unselfish life then all I would say is “ I know it is hard but see how mach less your pain is now as compared to what it could be if you had not been humble in this life time.” Honestly it is the same situation as a glass half empty or half full. As far as Alzheimer's goes I always feel that in some way this is a blessing because how so ever painful it may be remember God took out your plug from the wall of life and you are not bothered by anything past present or future because you can’t remember. You are not scared or bothered about anything but the people who look after you may feel that you are being punished. It is all your own prospective, but believe me we should all try to look at the positive as negative only drains and once you are drained there is no you it is only was you.
What is the best way to look at the Karmas?
The best way is to think that it is never too late to start to save and when you start don’t think about what you did save or withdraw in the past. Just start like it was a fresh beginning and that you have a motive to achieve.
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